A world first: Nutraceutical & phytoceutical clinical guidelines for use in psychiatric disorders
03 Oct 2021
Features of the Program
The therapeutic use of nutrient-based ‘nutraceuticals’ and plant-based ‘phytoceuticals’ for the treatment of mental disorders is common. The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) and the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Disorders (CANMAT) convened an international taskforce involving 31 leading academics and clinicians from 15 countries, between 2019 and 2021.
The taskforce developed and ratified clinical guidelines aimed at providing a definitive evidence-informed approach to assist clinicians in making decisions around the use of such agents for major psychiatric disorders. This Panel discusses the conclusions of the guidelines, and discusses the evidence, safety and tolerability, and clinical advice regarding prescription (e.g., indications, dosage); in addition to consideration for use in specialised populations.
CPD information:
ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning
Presented By: Prof Jerome Sarris | Prof Julia Rucklidge | Dr Adrian Lopresti