DNA testing in practice. 10 module professional development program.
01 Sep 2020
Features of the Program
A comprehensive education program designed for healthcare practitioners to expand their knowledge of genetics in nutritional medicine. The program consists of 10 modules. They will focus on the relationship between specific genetic variants (SNPs) and their associated health conditions as well as discussing the appropriate therapeutic interventions based on patients’ DNA testing results. This course will help you maximise the potential of genetic testing to personalise patient outcomes.
NOTE: BioCeuticals no longer offers DNA testing services. Our best recommendation is myDNA’s Comprehensive Health Report (BioCeuticals previously partnered with myDNA to offer the services mentioned in this program) available to Australian and New Zealand practitioners.
Find out more, including ordering test kits, visit myDNA.
CPD information: ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA -18 hours of learning
Presented By: Dr Denise Furness PhD BSc RNutr REP