BioCeuticals products are designated "practitioner-only" supplements. In order to stock and/or dispense BioCeuticals products, you are required to be considered a qualified healthcare professional under Section 42AA of the Therapeutics Good Regulations 1990 and/or a member of one of our recognised associations. Below is a list of the associations recognised by BioCeuticals, including those recognised under Schedule 1 of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990.
Associations - Australia
AAA | Acupuncture Association of Australia |
AAA | Australasian Association of Ayurveda |
AAAGP | Australian Association of Academic General Practitioners |
AACMA | Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association |
AAESS | Australian Association of Exercise and Sports Scientists |
AAPH | Australian Association of Professional Homoeopaths |
AARPN | Australasian Association & Register of Practicing Nutritionists |
ACA | Australian College of Acupuncturists |
ACACMA | Aust China Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Inc. |
ACM | Australian College of Midwives |
ACNEM | Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine |
ACNT | Australian Committee of Natural Therapies Inc. (SA) |
ADA | Australian Dental Association |
AFH | Australian Federation of Homoeopaths |
AHA | Australian Homoeopathic Association |
AHPRA | Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency |
AIMA | Australian Integrative Medicine Association |
AMA | Australian Medical Association |
ANPA | Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association |
ANTA | Australian Natural Therapies Association Ltd |
AOA | Osteopathy Australia |
APA | Australian Physiotherapy Association |
APD | Accredited Practicing Dietitian |
APNA | Australian Practice Nurses Association |
APodA | Australian Podiatry Association |
AROH | Australian Register of Homeopaths |
ASH | Australian Society of Homeopaths Inc |
ATMS | Australian Traditional Medicine Society |
AUMS | Australian Unani Medicines Society |
AVA | Australian Veterinary Association |
CAA | Chiropractic Association of Australia |
CMA | Complementary Medicine Association |
CMA | Chinese Medicine Association Pty Ltd |
CMASA | Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia |
CMRB | Chinese Medicine Registration Board |
DAA | Dietitians Association of Australia |
FCMASA | Federation of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Societies of Australia |
HERA | Homoeopathic Education and Research Association |
HMA | The Homeopathic Medicine Association Inc. |
IAT | International Association of Trichologists |
IMA | Integrative Medicine Alliance |
NBNSW | Nurses Board of New South Wales |
NBQ | Nurses Board of Queensland |
NBSA | Nurses Board of South Australia |
NBV | Nurses Board of Victoria |
NBWA | Nurses Board of Western Australia |
NHAA | National Herbalists Association of Australia |
NRB (State) | Nurses Registration Board |
NSA | Nutrition Society of Australia |
NSWRATCM | The New South Wales Research Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
OAA | Optometrists Association Australia |
OHPAA | Oriental Health Practitioner Association of Australia |
OSSA | Obesity Surgery Society of Australia |
PBNSW | Pharmacy Board New South Wales |
PBQ | Pharmacy Board Queensland |
PBSA | Pharmacy Board South Australia |
PBV | Pharmacy Board of Victoria |
PBWA | Pharmacy Board Western Australia |
PGA | Pharmacy Guild of Australia |
PRB (State) | Physiotherapists Registration Board |
PSA | Pharmaceutical Society of Australia |
QNC | Queensland Council of Nursing |
RACGP | Royal Australian College of General Practitioners |
RCVS | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
SCH | Society of Classical Homoeopathy Ltd |
SNTR | Society of Natural Therapists and Researchers Inc. |
VNC | Victorian Nursing Council |
VPB | Veterinary Practitioners Board |
VSB | Veterinary Surgeons Board |
Associations - New Zealand
AAPA | Australasian Ayurvedic Practitioners Association |
AIMA | Australasian Integrative Medicine Association |
ANZ | Acupuncture NZ |
CBNZ | Chiropractic Board of New Zealand |
CMCNZ | Chinese Medicine Council of New Zealand |
CNA | Clinical Nutrition Association |
CNHH | College of Natural Health & Homeopathy |
DCNZ | Dental Council of New Zealand |
GPNZ | General Practice New Zealand |
HNZ | Homeopathy New Zealand |
INM | Institute for Natural Medicine |
MCNZ | Medical Council of New Zealand |
NCNZ | Naturopathic College of New Zealand |
NHPNZ | Natural Health Products NZ |
NIIM | National Institute of Integrative Medicine |
NMHNZ | Naturopaths and Medical Herbalists New Zealand |
NSNZ | Nutrition Society of New Zealand |
NZAMH | New Zealand Association of Medical Herbalists |
NZAO | New Zealand Association of Optometrists |
NZASA | New Zealand Acupuncture Standards Authority |
NZCC | New Zealand College of Chiropractic |
NZCCM | New Zealand College of Chinese Medicine |
NZCH | New Zealand Council of Homeopaths |
NZDA | New Zealand Dental Association |
NZDA | New Zealand Dietetic Association |
NZIDT | New Zealand Institute of Dental Technologists |
NZHPA | New Zealand Hospital Pharmacy Association |
NZMA | New Zealand Medical Association |
NZNCA | New Zealand Chiropractors’ Association |
NZNMA | New Zealand Natural Medicine Association |
NZNO | New Zealand Nurses Organisation |
NZVA | New Zealand Veterinary Association |
NZVNA | New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association |
NCNZ | Nursing Council of New Zealand |
OCANZ | The Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand |
OCNZ | Osteopathic Council of New Zealand |
ODOB | Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board |
ONZ | Osteopaths New Zealand |
OSNZ | The Osteopathic Society of New Zealand |
PC | Pharmacy Council |
PGNZ | Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand |
PNZ | Physiotherapy New Zealand |
PSNZ | Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand |
RACP | The Royal Australasian College of Physicians – New Zealand Branch |
RACS | Royal Australasian College of Surgeons |
RNZCGP | Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners |
SPCNM | South Pacific College of Natural Medicine |
VCNZ | Veterinary Council of New Zealand |